


A Funny Thing Happened to Me


1. a. At a restaurant, one afternoon in spring

b. On a train to London, one afternoon in summer.

c. At a station buffer, one afternoon in winter.

d. In a coffee shop, one afternoon in autumn.

2. a. To get some presents for her parents.

b. To buy some presents and some books for her course at college

meet some friends that evening.

d. To join her friends for a Christmas party

3. a. Relieved.

b. Angry

c. Àmused

d. Uneasy.

4. a. The speaker was a generous person by nature.

b. The speaker was rather careless.

c. The speaker liked London very

d. The speaker had better manners than the man.

5. a. The man didn't buy any biscuits a and then ate the speaker's

b. The man ate the speaker's biscuits s without being aware of it.

c. The speaker put away her own bis scuits and ate the man's.

d. The speaker believed that the ma in was eating her biscuits, but actually t was the

other way



1. a. A restaurant near their home was just open.

b. It was a special day for them.

c. They were newly married.

d. They wanted to try some new dishes.

2. husband Peter felt very cold and awful

b. The food at the restaurant was tasteless.

had a terrible evening in the restaurant.

restaurant was short of hand and they waited for their meal for a long time

3. a. She saw a mouse near their table.

b. She saw the chef swearing at the waiter.

c. she saw a big bug in her tomato salad.

saw a mouse running across the floor, chased by the restaurant cat.

4. couple should have booked their table earlier.

b. The couple shouldn't eat out that day.

c. The restaurant was not properly run.

restaurant was quite good except for its service


Cats Are Creatures of Habit


sleep long hours at night and take naps very offen.

b. They have similar sleeping habits as humans.

don't have regular sleep.

d. They take naps occasionally in addition to theirregular sleep.

2. have moods similar to those of human beings.

b. Famous people usually take naps.

spend most of their time sleeping and napping.

ce shows that by taking naps people can live longer.

3. a. That cats have a natural clock inside them that tells them when to nap.

people can work and live better by taking naps.

c. That people should take naps as much as cats.

d. That famous people have a lot of energy.

4. a. To describe the habit of cats.

tell people the benefit of naps.

c. To advise people to take naps.

show the similarity between cats and human beings.


1. sness.


c. A vivid dream.


2. a. They stay awåke all night

can do things that they can't do when they are awake.

are asleep sometimes

are half asleep and half awake.

3. a. They are free from injury.

b. They will be seriously hurt if awakened suddenly

don't think about what they are doing.