



My Awesome Computer

Hi everyone! My name is Michael and I'm a 4th grader.

Today I want to tell you all about my super cool computer. I love

my computer so much! It's honestly one of my most prized

possessions. I use it for everything – playing games, watching

videos, doing homework, and even coding! My computer is

seriously awesome.

First off, let me tell you what kind of computer I have. It's a

desktop PC that my parents bought for me last year for my

birthday. The brand is Dell and the model is the Inspiron 3891. It

has a big monitor that's 27 inches wide! The monitor is super

crisp and clear. The colors are so vibrant and pretty.

The computer itself is like a tall black rectangular box that

sits on my desk. It has some lights on the front that glow blue

when it's turned on. On the top, there's a little circle with the Dell

logo that also lights up blue. It looks so cool! The sides have

vents to help keep the inside components from getting too hot.

Inside the computer case, there's all sorts of awesome tech

stuff that makes it work. There's the processor which is like the

brain. Mine has an Intel Core i5 processor. There's also the

graphics card which helps render all the visuals on the monitor.

My computer has a really good Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super

graphics card for gaming.

It also has 16GB of RAM which is the memory that lets me

run multiple programs at the same time. And it has a 512GB solid

state drive (SSD) which is where all my files, games, and

programs are stored. An SSD is way faster than the old school

hard disk drives (HDDs). My computer just boots up super quick!

For the operating system, I use Windows 10. It's a really

user-friendly system that makes it easy to navigate my computer.

I have a bunch of games and apps installed through the

Microsoft Store and Steam game platform. Some of my favorite

games are Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, and Rocket League. The

games look so life-like and run so smoothly thanks to my

computer's beefy specs.

But I don't just use my computer for gaming! I also use it for

homework, watching YouTube videos, and even coding. See, I'm

really interested in computers and technology. I've been

teaching myself some basic coding through online tutorials and