


2013年11月14日 作者:Admin



一、原通用导入excel文件到MSHFlexGrid控件如下:Public Function DRExcel(fd As MSHFlexGrid,

CD1 As CommonDialog) As Boolean ""导入Excel文件函数 20120621孙广乐Dim file_name As

StringDim xlApp As New ationDim xlBook As okDim xlSheet As

eetDim xlQuery As ableDim r ""r为行数Dim i, jOn Error GoTo

a:file_name = ""fnum = = &H2With CD1 .Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly

& cdlOFNOverwritePrompt "" 设置过滤器 .Filter = "xls文档(*.xls)|*.xls|xlsx文档(*.xlsx)

|*.xlsx" ""只能导入xls这种文件格局 "" 指定缺省的过滤器 .FilterIndex = 1

"".ShowSave .ShowOpen file_name = .filenameEnd WithIf file_name = "" Then ""断定文件

是否存在 DRExcel = False Exit FunctionEnd If Set xlApp = CreateObject("ation")

Set xlBook = NothingSet xlSheet = NothingSet xlBook = oks().AddSet xlSheet =

eets("sheet1")""e = TrueSet xlBook =

(file_name)Set xlSheet = eets(1) ""测列数j = 1Do While (1, j)

<> "" j = j + 1Loopi = 1Do While (i, 1) <> "" i = i + 1LoopIf j = 1 Or i =

1 Then MsgBox "不容许导入空表!" DRExcel = False Exit FunctionEnd e =

= i - = j - 1 For i = 1 To For j = 1 To ""列数 trix

(i - 1, j - 1) = (i, j) Next jNext i ""e =

"""交还把握给gnment(0) = 0 ""物品代码MsgBox "完

成导入"ows = ols = me = ""DRExcel = Truea:End Function二、新办法,


部件中添加Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0控件,然后拖入窗体中;

FGrid1改成表格控件名称(如MSHFlexGrid1),cd1改成Common Dialog控件名称(如

CommonDialog1)ols = 0Dim file_name As Stringfile_name = "" =

&H2With CD1 .Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly & cdlOFNOverwritePrompt "" 设置过滤

器 .Filter = "xls文档(*.xls)|*.xls|xlsx文档(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" ""只能导入xls这种文件格局 "" 指

定缺省的过滤器 .FilterIndex = 1 "".ShowSave .ShowOpen file_name = .filenameEnd WithIf

file_name = "" Then ""断定文件是否存在 MsgBox ("选择的文件已经不存在了") Exit

SubEnd IfDim excelid As ation Set excelid = New ation

(file_name) ow = 0


New tion, chart2 As New set Location =

adUseClient If Right(file_name, 5) = ".xlsx" Then ""excel2007版本以上

"Provider=.12.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source="

& file_name & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes""" Else

"Provider=.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" &

file_name & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes""" End If Dim rs As

set Set rs = hema(adSchemaTables) Dim ls_name As String

ls_name = (2).Value ""取哪个sheet页数据 " * From [" & ls_name

& "]", CHART1, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Set urce = chart2Set

CHART1 = NothingSet chart2 = Nothing 作者:王春天 2013.11.14 地址:
