

LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】


Section Ⅰ Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank

and mark [A],[B], [C] or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Children need exercise. Parents often worry that 1 time for athletics or even for

just playing on the Jungle Jim is going to take away from their kids’_2_achievement.

But actually, the _3_ is true. There have been analyses of huge numbers of studies

that all show that kids who are _4_are better in school, get better grades, and have

higher _5_ scores than kids who lack of exercise. And that is probably because _6_

the lifespan, even into old age, there’s a strong correlation between a healthy heart

and a healthy brain.

The brain is the most _7_ organ that your circulatory system has to_8_. It takes

up a lot of the body’s oxygen and a lot of the body’s _9_. And unlike most of your

_10_, your brain can’t live very long _11_that blood supply. You cut blood supply off

for about five minutes and parts of the brain start dying. So blocked arteries and little

clots that cut off blood flow to the brain in order people are a _12_source of cognitive

difficulty and cognitive deterioration with age. And even in little kids, being

physically fit clearly _13_ intellectual performance.

The other thing parents should be thinking about is that in childhood your kid

needs about 90 minutes a day of active_14_, and parents should really_15_, I think,

on making sure that that’s fun, first of all. You don’t want to _16_exercise as

punishment. And you also, I think, want to have them doing something that could

potentially continue into your kids like climbing trees, they’re not going to be doing

that when they’re 40, not most of us anyway.