

Aleurone layer 糊粉层 - the peripheral layer of the endosperm胚乳,

containing oil and protein.

Adventitious prop roots 须根- roots formed in higher nodes above the soil


Axil 叶腋――



Auricles 叶耳- a pair of small, ear-like appendages at the base of the blade,

that may not be present in older leaves.

Awn 芒 - a thorn-like extension from the keel of the lemma. It is not

present in all rice varieties.


苞叶 small degenerated leaf

Brown rice (caryopsis) 颖果- the dehulled rice grain.

Bud 芽苞?- a small protuberance on a node. It may give rise to a tiller.

Coleoptile 胚芽鞘 - the cylinder-like protective covering of the young


Coleorhiza 胚根鞘- the sheath covering the radicle.

Collar 叶枕- the joint between the leaf sheath and leaf blade.

Culm 茎- the round, smooth-surfaced, ascending axis of the shoot

consisting of hollow internodes joined by solid nodes.

Embryo 胚芽- the miniature plant developed from the fertilized (diploid)

egg called zygote, which upon germination gives rise to a young

seedling. It is located on the ventral side of the seed next to the


Endosperm 胚乳- the nutritive tissues of the ripened ovary. It consists of

the aleurone layer and the starchy endosperm. It serves as food for the

germinating embryo.

Flag leaf 剑叶- the last leaf just below the panicle.

Floret 小花 - A unit of the spikelet. It includes the lemma, palea and the


Flower 花- It consists of two lodicules, six stamens and the pistil.

Grain - the ripened ovary and its associated structures.

Hull 外壳- the lemma and palea, and their associated structures.

Internode 节间- the smooth, solid (when young), or hollow (when mature)

part of the culm between two successive nodes.