
creation of replication slot


“Creation of Replication Slot Failed” is an

error message that can occur when attempting to

create a replication slot on a PostgreSQL database.

Replication slots are special types of objects

within PostgreSQL that allow for the streaming of

WAL (Write Ahead Log) records from one server to

another. This type of streaming is necessary for

proper replication and backup of databases between


When this error occurs it usually indicates

that something has gone wrong with the creation

process. This could be due to an issue in the

configuration file, or a problem with the network

connection between the two servers. In order to

properly diagnose the issue, the first step is to

check the server logs for any errors or warnings

that may give clues as to what is causing the


In some cases, the “creation of replication

slot failed” error can be caused by a

misconfigured replication slot. This can happen if

the slot name is not properly set up in the

configuration file, or if the settings are

inconsistent between the primary and replica

servers. If this is the case, then the replication

slot must be reconfigured before attempting to

recreate it.

Another possible cause of the error is a

network connectivity issue. If the two servers

cannot communicate with each other, then the

replication slot will not be able to be created. In

this case the network connection needs to be

checked to ensure that everything is configured


Finally, it is also possible that the

“creation of replication slot failed” error is

due to an issue with the PostgreSQL server itself.

If this is the case, then the server may need to be

restarted in order to reset any settings or

configurations that may have been causing the


Regardless of the cause of the “creation of

replication slot failed” error, it is important to

properly diagnose the issue before attempting to

create the replication slot again. This will help

ensure that the root cause of the problem is

identified and resolved, allowing for successful

replication and backup of the database.