
flask sqlalchemy foreignkey用法

Flask SQLAlchemy ForeignKey Usage

In Flask, SQLAlchemy is a popular library for database integration within web

applications. It provides an easy way to interact with databases using object-relational

mapping (ORM). One important feature of SQLAlchemy is the ability to establish

relationships between different tables using foreign keys. In this article, we will explore

how to use the ForeignKey feature in Flask SQLAlchemy.

Before we dive into the usage, let's first understand what a foreign key is. In a

database, a foreign key is a field that refers to the primary key of another table. It

establishes a link or relationship between two tables, allowing data to be retrieved and

manipulated across tables.

To use foreign keys in Flask SQLAlchemy, we need to define the relationships

between our database models. Let's take an example of a blogging application where we

have two tables - User and Post. Each Post belongs to a User, creating a one-to-many



from flask import Flask

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)

['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'your_database_uri'

db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User():

id = (r, primary_key=True)

name = ((50))

posts = onship('Post', backref='user', lazy=True)

class Post():

id = (r, primary_key=True)

title = ((100))

content = ()

user_id = (r, nKey(''), nullable=False)


In the above example, the User table has a one-to-many relationship with the Post

table. The `posts` attribute in the User model represents the relationship, while the

`user_id` attribute in the Post model represents the foreign key.

To establish this relationship, we use the `onship` function in the User model.

The `backref` argument creates a virtual attribute on the Post model, allowing us to

access the User associated with each Post. The `lazy` argument defines when

SQLAlchemy will load the data from the database.

We use `nKey` in the Post model to define the foreign key. Here, `''`

specifies the referenced table and column for the foreign key.

Now that we have defined the relationships using foreign keys, we can perform

various operations. For example, to retrieve all the posts by a particular user:


user = (user_id)

user_posts =


Similarly, we can create a new post for a user:


user = (user_id)

new_post = Post(title='New Post', content='This is a new post.')





In conclusion, Flask SQLAlchemy makes it easy to use foreign keys to establish

relationships between different tables in your web application. By defining the

relationships and using the ForeignKey feature, you can perform various operations on

the related data. It provides a powerful and flexible way to integrate databases into your

Flask application.