
Backtrack 5 – Bootable USB Thumb Drive with “Full” Disk Encryption

UPDATE (8/14/2012): I have reports that the howto works fine with Backtrack

5 R3. Please let me know if this turns out to not be the case.

UPDATE (3/3/2012): The how-to has been updated to reflect changes for

Backtrack R2. They were very minor and using the previous method still works. The

only real change is:

lvm2 is now part of the ISO. That means we no longer have to use apt-get to

install it. However, we still need to install hashalot, so it doesn't save us a step.

Added a note at the end about using dd to backup your install per a very

good suggestion by Richard in comment 241.

UPDATE: This update has been tested with BT5R1 and works as is. Before we

get started, here are a few housekeeping items:

There is a PDF version of this article available here.

Finally, if you want to be notified of updates to this page, subscribe to my

RSS feed here.

I put quotes around full in the title because technically the whole disk isn't

encrypted. We use LVM and the native encryption routines included in Ubuntu to

encrypt all partitions except for a small boot partition that never contains any data.

This is a fairly involved process, but I have done my best to document each

detail. Please let me know if I missed anything or you have any questions. I can be

reached via the contact form on the 'About' page of this website or via the

comments below.

I strongly recommend you read through this guide at least once before


I will be making a PDF available in the near future.

As in all my how-tos, user entered text is bold and comments are preceded by

a # sign and generally not part of the output of a command. Finally, a couple of

posts from the Ubuntu Community Documentation site were instrumental in

getting this working.



WARNING: Before you start, please be aware that you can cause the system

you are using to build this with to not boot correctly. During the install process

below there is a warning about indicating where you want the boot loader to be

installed. Be very careful at this point. First we are going to need some stuff.