
光纤信号强度检测与分析系统 源代码


//**光纤信号强度检测 类


using System;

using c;

using ;

using ;

using s;

using ls;

using ;

using nts;

using ;

using ;

using g;

using tion;

using ;

using ;

public partial class Fiberopticsignalstrengthtest


/// Scale animation for showing/hiding elements.

public class ScaleAnimation : OrientedAnimation


/// Initializes a new instance of the ScaleAnimation class.

public ScaleAnimation()


le = 0.01;

le = 1.0;


/// Gets or sets a value that describes the maximum scale during the animation.

public double MaxScale






光纤信号强度检测与分析系统 源代码

/// Gets or sets a value that describes the minimum scale during the animation.

public double MinScale





/// Creates the slide animation.

/// The control for which the animation is needed.

/// The targeted element of the animation.

/// The newly created animation.

protected override Storyboard CreateAnimationOverride(FrameworkElement control,

FrameworkElement target)


var relativeFrom =

ueDependingOnDirection(le, le);

var relatoveTo =

ueDependingOnDirection(le, le);

TransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);

var result = ()



.ScaleX(0, relativeFrom, 0, relatoveTo)

.ScaleY(0, relativeFrom, 0, relatoveTo)



return result;


/// Updates the slide animation.

/// The control for which the animation needs to be


/// Storyvoard that needs to be updated.

/// The targeted element of the animation.



/// Currently the method sets the SpeedRatio of the storyboard to

/// the global AnimationSpeedRatio if the local SpeedRatio is null.