
高产出管理(High output management)

High output management

Ask yourself some questions

1) you really contribute or just a mouthpiece in the

organization? How do you increase your added value?

2) does your job matter? Or are you always waiting for your boss

or someone else to explain what you should do?

3) are you always pursuing new knowledge or trying new

technology? Reading is not a problem

High output management

The first breakfast shop production line (output oriented


1. what is production?

You have to make and deliver products according to the needs

of the customer according to the predetermined time, acceptable

quality and possible minimum cost

2. find out the limiting steps

Usually, production consists of manufacturing, assembling and

testing. Try to find the limit step and optimize your cost.

3. best plan

The best solution is to achieve the ideal speed and quality at

the lowest cost.

4. early detection

Correction of minimum value stage in production process.

5. through index management

1) sales forecast 2) raw material inventory 3) equipment status

4) human resources 5) human resource quality

6. index matching

The quality of the indicators and reflect the amount of

indicators used to avoid excessive reaction

1) the use of indicators, there is always better than nothing

2) good indicators should be used to measure specific and

computational things

The effect of index matching:

First, they clearly list the goals

Second, it provides considerable objectivity for the

evaluation of management activities

Third, let people in different organizations engage in the same