



A New Home and A Housewarming Party

Hi there! My name is Emily, and I'm ten years old. I'm so

excited because my family just moved into a new house! It's

been a big change for all of us, but we're really happy to be in

our new neighborhood.

Our old house was nice, but it was getting a bit too small for

our family. My little brother, Tommy, was born last year, and with

him and my older sister, Sarah, our bedrooms were really

cramped. Plus, the backyard wasn't very big, so we didn't have

much space to run around and play.

When my parents first told us we were moving, I was a little

sad to leave our old home behind. It's where I grew up and made

so many memories. But they promised that our new house would

be even better, with plenty of room for all of us.

The moving process was exhausting! We had to pack up all

our belongings into boxes and load them onto a huge truck.

Then, we drove across town to our new place. Unpacking

everything was like a giant puzzle, trying to figure out where to

put all our stuff.

But once we got settled in, I fell in love with our new home.

It's a beautiful two-story house with a big backyard and a swing

set! Sarah and I each have our own bedrooms now, which is

amazing. No more fighting over space or making too much noise

when the other one is trying to sleep.

The best part, though, is the playroom! It's this huge open

space on the second floor with lots of windows and natural light.

My parents have set it up with all our toys, books, and games. It's

like our own little kingdom to explore and have adventures in.

That's when I had the idea: why don't we throw a big

housewarming party and invite all the neighbors? It would be the

perfect way to meet everyone and make them feel welcome in

our new home.

I brought up the idea with my parents, and they thought it

was a wonderful suggestion. They said it would be a great

opportunity to get to know the people in our community and

make some new friends.