


题型有:1. Use of English 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Writing

Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best

word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points)

Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to

who people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good

【B1】______about the wearer’s background, personality, status, mood, and【B2】

______on life. People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes【B3】______.

Newscasters, or the【B4】______who read the news on TV, are considered to be more

【B5】______, honest, and competent when they are【B6】______conservatively. And

college students who【B7】______themselves as taking an active role in their

interpersonal relationships say they are【B8】______about the costumes they must

wear to play these roles successfully.【B9】______, many of us can relate instances in

【B10】______the clothing we wore changed the way we felt about ourselves and

how we acted. Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidence when you

anticipated a【B11】______situation, such as a job interview, or a court appearance.

In the workplace, men have long had well-defined precedents and role models for

achieving success. It has been【B12】______for women. A good many women in the

business world are uncertain about the appropriate mixture of “masculine” and

“feminine【”B13】______they should convey by their professional clothing. The【B14】

______of clothing alternatives to women has also been greater than that【B15】

______for men. Male administrators tend to judge women more favorably for

managerial【B16】______when the women display【B17】______”feminine grooming”

—shorter hair, moderate use of make-up, and plain【B18】______clothing. As one

male administrator confessed, “An【B19】______woman is definitely going to get a

longer interview,【B20】______she won’t get a job.”

1. 【B1】







词意思相近, 均表示数量,都可与large搭配,表示“大量,许多”。但能与good

搭配的只有deal,a good deal为固定搭配,意为“许多”,故

B.deal为正确答案。amount“数量;总额,总数”,number “数;号码;


2. 【B2】







outlook“态 度,观点”,尤指对整个世界或人生的看法。outlook on life是固定

搭配,意为“人生观”,符合 题意,故


viewpoint“观 点,看法”和remark“评论,意见”均没有C项恰当。

3. 【B3】







对某种服 装______达成共识”可知,mean“表示……的意思”最为确切,故

D.mean为正确答案。infer“推 断,推论”往往与表示人的主语搭配使用;

reveal“展现,揭示”,verify“证明”均不符合题意,故 排除。

4. 【B4】







并列;结 合空格后的定语从句who read the news on TV可推断,announcer“播


B. announcers为正确答案。host“主持人”,presenter“主持人;发言者”,

reporter“记者”均不符合 题意,故排除。

5. 【B5】







“令人信服 的;有说服力的”符合题意,故

C.convincing为正确答案。promising“有前途的”,amusing“逗 笑的”,


6. 【B6】







等)”显然 不能以被动语态的形式出现。同样,decorate“装饰”在句子中与主

语they也不能是被动关 系,即decorate的对象不能是人,而是物。costume“给……

穿上服装”不符合句意。故A. dressed“穿着,打扮”符合题意,为正确答案。

7. 【B7】







“看待”后 常接as,意为“将……看作”,故

C.view为正确答案。assume“承担;假定”,discern“识别;领 悟,辨明”,


8. 【B8】







装,成功地扮 演这些角色需要合适的着装”。worried和concerned均可接about,

但be worried about意 为“担心”,be concerned about除了表示“担心”外,还


B.concerned为正确 答案。troubled“烦恼的”后常接with,shocked“震


9. 【B9】







己的着 装,成功地扮演这些角色需要合适的着装。空格后的句子指出,我们许

多人都能说出几个 着装改变我们的感觉和行动方式的例子来。故

D.Moreover“而且,此外”表示递进关系,符 合题意,为正确答案。

10. 【B10】







定语从句, 修饰instances“例子”,故A.which为正确答案。定语从句中,介

词不能放在that之前,故 that不合适。如用it或this,整个句子的结构就会混乱。

11. 【B11】







你会用着装 来增加信心”。用horrible“可怕的”来说明面试这样的情况显然讲

不通;同样,也不能说面试 或出庭这样的情况是hopeful“有希望的”或special

“特别的”,倒可以说这样的情况是 stressful“紧张的”,故


12. 【B12】







分指出的“许 多职业妇女拿不准她们的职业着装究竟应该在多大程度上体现恰

当的‘男性’和‘女性’ ”。 可推断,在工作场所,女性和男性情况不一样。

B.otherwise“不同的”为正确答案。con tradictory“互相矛盾的,相互对

立的”,indifferent“不感兴趣的,不关心的”,possible“可能 的”均不符合题意。

13. 【B13】







度上体 现恰当的‘男性’和‘女性’______”。故

C.attributes“特点,特征”符合文意,为正确答案。symbol “象征,符号,


项 均不符合题意,故排除。

14. 【B14】







D.variety “种类”符合题意,为正确答案。priority“优先,优先权”和

demand“要求”通常与high搭配使 用,但不与great搭配;reliability“可靠性”


15. 【B15】







B.available“可 获得的”符合题意,为正确答案。desirable“称心的,期

望得到的”,comparable“可比较的”, liable“有责任的,有义务的”均与题意


16. 【B16】







“经理的, 管理人员的”可推断,空格处不可以填profession“职业”,因为经

理不是一个职业;works指 “作品”,不指“工作”,因此不恰当;vacancy意为

“空缺”,填入空格处不符合句意;position “职位”符合题意,故


17. 【B17】







feminine grooming“女性打扮”前不能填入more或much,否则前后内容会发生

矛盾。同样,由shorter 和moderate这些修饰词可推断,空格处不能填no,故


18. 【B18】







______的衣 服”。furnished“布置的”和knit“编织的”均不能与clothing“衣

服”搭配使用,可首先排除。 purchased“购买的”可与clothing搭配,但不与

plain“朴素的,无装饰的”搭配,故也不合适。 只有tailored“缝制的”符合句


19. 【B19】







会经历比别 人更长的面试时间”。联系上下文及常识可知A.attractive“妩媚动

人的,吸引人的”符合题 意,为正确答案。optimistic“乐观的”,aggressive“挑

衅的”和enthusiastic“热心的”均与题意 不符,故排除。

20. 【B20】






解析:此处句意为“……______她不会得到一份工作”。本句won’t get a job

相对于上句 get a longer interview而言.意思明显发生转折,因此需填入一个表



系,or“或者”表示选择, 均不符合文中的逻辑关系,故排除。

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below

each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

If you watched a certain swimmer’ s Rio Games debut on Sunday night,

when he propelled the United States 4×100-meter relay team to a gold medal, you

know the answer: Michael Phelps. While it may look like the athletes have been in a

bar fight, the purple dots actually are signs of “cupping,” an ancient Chinese healing

practice that is experiencing an Olympic moment. In cupping, practitioners of the

healing technique—or sometimes the athletes themselves— place specialized cups on

the skin. Then they use either heat or an air pump to create suction between the cup

and the skin, pulling the skin slightly up and away from the underlying muscles. The

suction typically lasts for only a few minutes, but it’ s enough time to cause the

capillaries just beneath the surface to rupture, creating the circular, eye-catching

bruises that have been so visible on Phelps as well as members of the United States

men’ s gymnastics team. Physiologically, cupping is thought to draw blood to the

affected area, reducing soreness and speeding healing of overworked muscles.

Athletes who use it swear by it, saying it keeps them injury free and speeds recovery.

Phelpsposted an Instagram photo showing himself stretched on a table as his Olympic

swimming teammate Allison Schmitt placed several cups along the back of his thighs.

“Thanks for my cupping today!” he wrote. While there’s no question that many

athletes, coaches and trainers believe in the treatment, there’s not much science to

determine whether cupping offers a real physiological benefit or whether the athletes

simply are enjoying a placebo effect. “A placebo effect is present in all treatments,

and I am sure that it is substantial in the case of cupping as well,” said Leonid

Kalichman, a senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. “A

patient can feel the treatment and has marks after it, and this can contribute to a

placebo effect.” One 2012 study of 61 people with chronic neck pain compared

cupping to a technique called progressive muscle relaxation, or PMR, during which a

patient deliberately tenses his muscles and then focuses on relaxing them. About half

the patients used cupping while the other half used PMR. Both patient groups reported

similar reductions in pain after 12 weeks of treatment. Notably, the patients who had

used cupping scored higher on measurements of well-being and felt less pain when

pressure was applied to the area. Even so, the researchers noted that more study is

needed to determine the potential benefits of cupping.

21. We can learn from the passage that Michael Phelps

A.is involved in a bar fight.

B.is his own practitioner of the healing technique.

C.is a member of US men’ s 4×100-meter relay team.

D.and his swimming team members have the purple dots on their shoulders.



美国队赢 得4×100米接力赛冠军,你就知道我在说谁:迈克尔-菲尔普斯”可

知,他是参赛队员,故C 项为正确答案。根据第一段第二句的While it may look

like“虽然看起来像是”可知,迈克 尔-菲尔普斯并没有在酒吧打过架,故A项

错误。B项“(迈克尔-菲尔普斯)是自己的治疗 师”与第三段末句不符。D项“(迈

克尔-菲尔普斯)和他的游泳队队员肩上都有紫色印记” 与第二段倒数第二句中

的gymnastics team不符。

22. In cupping, practitioners of the healing technique use the following



B.a cup.

C.a circle.

D.an air pump.



有时是运 动员自己______把特制的杯子放在皮肤上”可知,拔罐时需要B项。

根据第二句的they use either heat or an air pump可知,A项和D项也需要。根据

排除法,排除C项“一个圆环”,故 C项为正确答案。

23. Which of the following is NOT the effect of cupping mentioned in the


A.Curing cold.

B.Less soreness.

C.Quick recovery.

D.Avoiding getting injured.



soreness, D项和C项分别对应该段的injury free和speeds recovery。A项“治

愈感冒”在文中没有提 及,故A项为正确答案。

24. It can be inferred that a placebo can sometimes improve a patient’ s

condition simply because

A.it has been proved by science.

B.the person has the expectation that it will be helpful.

C.the person usually is the athlete, the coache and the trainer.

D.it has an evident physiological effect.



上不太能确 定拔罐带来的,是生理上的切实益处还是心理上的安慰”和列昂尼

德-卡利切曼所说的“患者 能感觉到治疗,而且会留下印记,这会起到安慰作用”

可推断安慰作用发生是因为患者在心 理层面有这样的期望______认为它会起作

用。故B项为正确答案,同时排除D项。A项与原文 的there’s not much science

to determine不符。C项和D项均不是安慰作用发生的原因,故 排除。

25. From the study, we know that compared with progressive muscle relaxation

(PMR), cupping

A.has more potential benefits on health.

B.needs more time of treatment.

C.is more popular among people with chronic neck pain.

D.is more effective for people’ s health.



的是,采 用拔罐疗法的患者对自己健康状况的评分更高,脖颈受压时感到的疼

痛更轻”可知,D项 “对人们的健康状况更有效”符合文意,为正确答案。A

项与该段末句“需要更多研究来确 定拔罐的潜在益处”不符。B项“需要更多

的治疗时间”和C项“在慢性颈痛患者中更受欢 迎”在文中并没有提及,故排


When it comes to Barbie’s body, it will no longer be one size fits all. On

Thursday, Mattel unveiled curvy, petite and tall versions of its iconic fashion doll

whose unrealistically thin shape has attracted criticism for decades. The three body

types will also be sold in an assortment of skin tones, eye colors and hairstyles.

The move is about more than just making Barbie look different. While Barbie was

once Mattel’s powerhouse brand, sales have plummeted in recent years as the doll has

struggled to remain relevant to little girls who do not look like her and who play with

toys other than dolls. “This is about drawing a wider demographic that had turned

away from Barbie back to Barbie,” said Jim Silver, the editor of a toy review website.

But some industry experts and academics have long doubted that cosmetic changes—

whether racial or body shapes—can revive the popularity of the 57-year-old Barbie,

whose sales have been declining by double-digits in recent years. Executives have

been optimistic, pointing to signs that Barbie’ s in-store sales began picking up last

year. The slumping sales may also be partly attributed to the shift away from

traditional toys toward electronics and games in recent years, as many parents and

children have clamored for less gender-specific toys. Even Lego, the world’ s top

toymaker, has had to alter its strategy and some of its building block lines to

accommodate the growth in the market for learning toys that appeal to boys and girls.

Faced with weakening sales in its core brands like Barbie, and criticism that it was too

slow to pick up on trends, Mattel has undertaken a number of efforts to improve

innovation. Barbie’ s new shapes also coincide with a progressive cultural shift

already underway in stores and the toy aisles. Parents and many health experts have

complained that too many dolls, models and even clothing companies conform to an

extremely thin, even anorexic, body type and have pressured corporations to offer a

broader variety of images and apparel sizes to give girls and boys more confidence in

their own body shapes. And some parents, concerned about negative gender

stereotypes (a racecar for a son, a princess doll for a daughter), have pushed retailers

into more gender-neutral territory. The Disney Store, for example, decided to label all

of its children’s Halloween costumes as “for kids,” as opposed to for boys or girls.

Amazon, which by some measures accounts for more than half of all online sales, has

banished gender distinctions for its toys.

26. According to Jim Silver, Barbie adds curvy, petite and tall to body shapes in

order to

A.make Barbie look different in skin tones, eye colors and hairstyles.

B.cater to girls who do not look like Barbie and who play with other toys.

C.let a wider range of people who lose interest in Barbie like Barbie again.

D.let more people from different countries who have never known Barbie love




考生需 要准确理解他的话,引号中旬子的意思是“这是为了让那些对芭比失去

兴趣的更广泛的人 群重新爱上芭比”,故C项为正确答案。A项“让芭比在肤

色、眼睛颜色和发型方面看起来有 所不同”和B项“迎合那些长得不像芭比、

喜欢玩其他玩具的女孩”虽然也是原因之一,但并 不是吉姆-西尔弗的观点。D

项的have never known Barbie love Barbie与原文的had turned away from Barbie

back to Barbie不符。

27. What do some industry experts and academics think of Barbie’ s change?

A.It’ s too old for Barbie to vary its race and body shapes.

B.The change of makeup may not make Barbie popular again.

C.Barbie can not be in accordance with customer preferences.

D.Barbie can represent more girls with different racial and body shapes.


解析:根据题干关键词定位到第三段。该段第一句较长,句子主干是But some

industry experts and academics have long doubted that…,表示态度的关键词是

doubted“怀疑”。怀 疑的具体内容是that引导的宾语从句,即“妆容的改变—

—不管是种族还是体形——并不 能让57岁的芭比重受欢迎”,故B项符合文意,

且may的语气缓和,与doubted一致。A项 的It’s too old判断有误,C项说法


28. Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Electronics and games tend to be less gender-specific.

B.Lego will offer girls more career-oriented toys.

C.Lego will shift all of its energies to producing learning toys.

D.Mattel is not good at using new technology and innovative approach.



因是近些 年孩子们的兴趣从传统玩具转向电子玩具和电子游戏.很多父母和儿

童呼吁厂家生产没有 鲜明性别特色的玩具”,由此可推断出,电子玩具和电子游

戏是没有鲜明性别特色的,故A 项为正确答案。B项“乐高将为女孩们提供更

具职业导向的玩具”和D项“美泰不擅长用新 技术和创新方法”从文中并不能

推断出。C项“乐高将把它所有的精力转向生产学习型玩 具”太过绝对,排除。

29. According to the passage, parents and many health experts

A.complain that there are too many dolls and models.

B.think that an extremely thin body type is comfortable.

C.force clothing company to bring pressure to other corporations.

D.hope that children are more confident of their own body shapes.


解析:根据题干关键词定位到第五段。该段第二句的主干为Parents and many

health expels have complained that…and have pressured corporations…,句末的不定

式短语to give girls and boys more confidence in their own body shapes“让女孩和男

孩们对自己的体形更有 信心”是父母和很多健康专家做此事的目的,故D项“希

望孩子们对自己的体型更自信”为 正确答案。conform to意为“符合;遵照”,

文中父母和很多健康专家抱怨的是conform to an extremely thin,even anorexic,

body type,并不是there are too many dolls and models,故A项 和B项错误。C


30. The introduction of Disney and Amazon helps to illustrate that

A.they try to help kids build self-confidence.

B.there is no basis for some parents’ concerns.

C.they reject the negative gender stereotypes from the start.

D.there are some clothes and toys that are less gender-specific in retail stores.


解析:根据题干关键词定位到第六段。由该段中的for example可将答案定

位在第一 句And some parents,concerned about negative gender stereotypes have

pushed retailers into more gender-neutral territory“有些父母担心性别固有思维会给

孩子带来负面影响,这促使 零售商们购进更中性的玩具”,所以迪士尼和亚马逊

就属于这样的商家,故D项“零售商店 里有一些没有鲜明性格特色的服装和玩

具”为正确答案。A项、B项和C项不符合题干,故 排除。

Oversize cupids in pink, furry outfits hand out heart-shaped balloons with “I

Do” written on them (in English) at a wedding-themed trade fair in Beijing. Vendors

offer romantic photo-shoots of couples under water, personalised wedding cigarettes,

and biscuits with names. An emphasis on love is a new addition to Chinese weddings

—and shines a pink-filtered spotlight on social change. For centuries, marriage in

China was about ensuring heirs for the groom’s family. Both the groom’s and the

bride’s family exchanged money or goods. The more money changed hands, the more

opulent the wedding. In 1949, frugality was imposed. Dowries consisted of

necessities like bed linen or a bicycle. But since the 1980s the extravagance of

weddings has matched the country’s rise. Celebrations moved out of homes into

hotels. Brides swapped traditional red dresses for white ones. A large industry has

emerged to serve the 13 million couples who marry each year. Wedding planners are

increasingly common, particularly in cities. A decade ago Cosmo Bride, an

American-owned lifestyle magazine, launched a Chinese-language edition in China.

An average wedding cost $12,000 in 2011—the equivalent of more than two years’

income for the average urban household. An increase in the average marriage age by

2.5 years since 1990 has given parents (who still usually pay for weddings, despite the

earning power of their children) more time to save up. The change in wedding

also reflects a fundamental shift in society. For the first time in the history of Chinese

family life, the child—rather than ancestors or parents—is regarded as the centre of

the family, says Yan Yunxiang of the University of California, Los Angeles. Most

newly-weds now are single children, born since the one-child policy was introduced

more than 30 years ago. Parents have more to spend if they only have to afford one

wedding. William Jankowiak of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who has

documented relationships in China for 30 years, says love plays a larger part in young

people’s lives—both in choice of partner and in their relationships with parents. The

result is evident in weddings, which now focus on the couple. Both sets of parents are

represented, but their position is peripheral. Weddings often feature a day of wedding

photos, shot before the event, with the couple in a range of outfits against romantic

backgrounds, but with no family members.

31. The wedding-themed trade fair in Beijing is used to

A.show the popularity of cupids and balloons on Chinese weddings.

B.introduce the service that vendors provide for married couples.

C.compare two different wedding stresses: on form and on love.

D.illustrate the change of wedding focus and Chinese society.



是中式婚 礼上的一个新现象,闪耀的粉红聚光灯下聚焦的是社会的变革”,D项

中的change of wed ding focus and Chinese society是对末句中An emphasis on love

is a new addition和social change的概括,故D项为正确答案。A项“表明在中

式婚礼上,丘比特和气球很受欢迎”属 于过度推断;B项迷惑性较大,“介绍了

婚礼销售商们为新人们提供的服务”只是该段的表 面含义,不符合题干要求;

C项“比较了两种不同的婚礼重点:形式和爱情”是对末句的曲 解,form一词


32. The word “opulent” (Para. 2) most probably means







的家人需 彼此交换彩礼或定情物,转手的彩礼钱越多,婚礼越______”,第三段

接着讲到frugality“节 约”,转折词But引导的句子中,extravagance of weddings

是提示线索,与the more opulent the wedding意思一致,故A项“奢华的”为正

确答案。B项“幸运的”,C项“传统的”,D项 “快乐的”均不是该单词的正


33. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about


A.There has been more extravagant weddings since the 1980s.

B.Wedding planning industry has appeared in cities.

C.Parents paying for weddings have 2.5 years for preparation.

D.One-child parents will pay more for the wedding.


解析:本题可使用排除法。根据A项中的since the 1980s定位到第三段,A

项中的more extravagant weddings与原文the extravagance of weddings和

matched…rise表意一致。根据 B项中的wedding planning industry定位到第四段,

B项中的appeared in cities是文中emerged和in cities的复现。根据C项中的2.5

years定位到第四段末句,原文讲“1990年起, 平均结婚年龄增加2.5年”,

故C项“承担婚礼费用的父母有两年半的时间做准备”不符合 文意,为正确答

案。根据D项中的one-child定位到第五段,D项是对Parents have more to spend…

for one wedding的同义表述。因此正确答案是C项。

34. The last sentence “Weddings often ... no family members” implies that


A.are the focus of the wedding.

B.don’t welcome family members’ arrival.

C.seldom express their love to parents.

D.aren ‘t accompanied by family members when taking wedding photos.



以此前拍 摄的婚纱照。在浪漫的背景下,夫妻穿上一系列服装拍摄婚纱照,但

没有家庭成员参与其 中”,它是对前面内容的具体说明,前面两句表明“……现

在的婚礼专注于夫妻二人,双方 父母都出席,但他们只是陪衬”,所以新婚夫妇

是婚礼的中心,A项为正确答案。B项“(夫 妻)不欢迎家庭成员到场”,C项“(夫

妻)很少向双方父母表达他们的爱”,D项“(夫妻)在拍 婚纱照的时候没有家庭成


35. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this text?

A.Wedding planners enjoy great popularity especially in cities.

B.How does the development of society change Chinese weddings?

C.The relationships with partner are superior to the ones with parents.

D.What procedures do most newly-weds have to follow in weddings?



中式婚礼 上的一个新现象,闪耀的粉红聚光灯下聚焦的是社会的变革”,第二、

三段中的For centuries,In 1949,since the 1980s等引出了婚礼随着时间进行的变







What sort of glass you drink from predicts how fast you drink. “Would you

like that in a straight or a jug, sir?” was once a common response to Britishers’

request for a pint in a pub. Like the Lilliputians in Gulliver’s Travels, who argued

whether a boiled egg should be opened at the pointed or the rounded end, beer

drinkers were adamant that only from their preferred shape of glass did their drinks

taste best. Straight-sided glasses—sometimes with a bulge a little below the lip—

have largely won the day. Jugs equipped with handles are now rare. But that is

probably because straight glasses are easier for bar staff to collect and stack. The

shape of a beer glass does, nevertheless, matter. For a group of researchers at the

University of Bristol have shown that it can regulate how quickly someone drinks.

Angela Attwood and her colleagues asked 160 undergraduates—80 women and 80

men—to do one of four things: drink beer out of a straight glass; drink beer out of a

flute—a tall narrow wineglass; or drink lemonade from one of these two sorts of glass.

To complicate matters further, some of the glasses were full whereas others were

half-full. What Dr. Attwood and her team were really interested in was how quickly

the various drinks would be drunk. The answer was that a full straight glass of

beer was polished off in 11 minutes, on average. A full flute, by contrast, was finished

off in seven, which was also the amount of time it took to drink a full glass of

lemonade, regardless of the type of vessel. If a glass started half-full, however, neither

its shape nor its contents mattered. It was drunk in an average of five minutes.

Though beer flutes are not common in British pubs, her observation that the shape of

a glass can affect how fast it is drunk from bears investigation. Both health

campaigners and breweries would be interested in the results, though they would

probably draw opposite conclusions about what is the best-shaped glass in which to

serve a bevvy.

36. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is true?

A.Beer drinkers also care about the shape and angle when opening a boiled egg.

B.People prefer to use a glass with a handle when drinking beer.

C.It is hard for jug lovers and their fellow-drinkers to collect jugs.

D.Straight glasses are popular in recent years.



广受欢 迎”,D项中的are popular in recent years是文中have largely won the day

的同义复现,故D项 为正确答案。A项“喝啤酒的人在打破煮熟的鸡蛋时也关

心形状和角度”是对第一段第三 句的曲解。第二段第一、二句提到“净饮杯在

今天广受欢迎……扎啤杯在今天已经很少见 了”,与B项的“人们喜欢用带把

手的杯子喝啤酒”无关,故B项错误;C项意为“扎啤杯爱 好者和他们的酒友


37. Judging from the context, the word “stack” (Para. 2) most probably means







对于酒保 来说,净饮杯更容易收集和______”,stack意为“堆成堆,堆起来,

垛”,净饮杯由于没有把 手,所以堆叠起来更容易,故A项pile“堆放,堆叠”

为正确答案。store和preserve意思相 近,均有“保存,存储”之意,故二者均

排除。clean“清洗,清洁”也不是该单词的正确释义,故 排除。

38. How long did it take to drink a full flute of lemonade?

A.Four minutes.

B.Five minutes.

C.Seven minutes.

D.Eleven minutes.



品的速 度,其中第二句中的非限定性定语从句指出“这也是一满杯子的柠檬汁

被喝光的时间,不 管用哪种杯子”,定语从句修饰的是前面的seven(7分钟),故

C项为正确答案。文中未提及 A项的信息。B项信息位于第四段末句,是喝完

半杯饮品需要的平均时间。D项信息位于第 四段首句,是喝完满满一杯用净饮


39. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.The volunteers spent less time in drinking beer out of a jug.

B.Whether a glass was full or half-full makes no difference to drinking speed.

C.It took the volunteer five minutes to drink wine out of a straight glass.

D.If a glass was full of lemonade, its shape matters.



意义的 词however,说明其后的内容是命题人出题的重点,该句句意为“然而,

如果一个杯子开始 只倒了一半,那么杯型如何、装的是什么饮品就都不重要了”,

所以推断出D项“如果一个 杯子盛满柠檬汁,那么它的杯型就会非常重要”,

故D项为正确答案。A项“(参与实验的) 志愿者们用扎啤杯喝啤酒的用时更少”

和B项“一个杯子有没有倒满酒对喝酒的速度没有 影响”推断错误。C项“志

愿者们用净饮杯喝红酒需要5分钟”在“半杯”的前提下才是正确 的,故排除。

40. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this text?

A.The beer in the best-shaped glass tastes best.

B.What sort of glass can affect the speed of drinking.

C.The shape and the contents of a glass matter.

D.Angela Attwood offers us a research about glasses.



即“喝酒 有多快?看杯子就知道”,第二、三段段末强调了研究的目的——酒杯

的形状能够决定喝酒 的快慢,第五段第一句重申了文章的主旨,即“从她的观

察报告中可以看出,一个杯子的形 状能够影响喝啤酒的速度”,故B项为正确

答案。A项“用杯型最好的杯子喝酒味道才更带 劲”,C项“杯型和装的饮品最

重要”,D项“安吉拉-阿特伍德给出一个关于杯子的研究”均 不符合题意,故


Part B (10 points)

The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45,

you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from

the list A-G and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs F and G have been

correctly placed. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)[A]

However, the culture of Atlantis began to decay. Plato recounts that the people

changed their law-respecting way of life. They began to disregard their religion,

gradually living with less restraint and piety. They began to value luxuries, wealth,

and idleness. Then in one day and one night the continent was completely destroyed.

Plato concludes that a decadent society deserved such punishment. But two questions

remain unanswered. Where was Atlantis, and where did it go?[B] This story intrigues

people so much that many have been searching for the explanation of the “lost

continent” for 23 centuries. There are three probable locations for Atlantis:the Azores,

in the Atlantic Ocean; the Bimini Islands, in the Caribbean Sea; and Santorini, or

Kalliste, in the Aegean Sea. Several facts make the Azores a possible location. In the

Azores and near Iceland there have been many volcanic islands that have risen from

the sea and then disappeared later. Also, Plato was sure that Atlantis was in the

Atlantic, as the name implies. The theory that Atlantis was in the Azores has only

recently been refuted.[C] The Greek philosopher Plato is the primary source for the

legend of Atlantis. His description of the “lost continent” still excites the modern

mind. Plato’s Atlantis was a kind of paradise—a vast island “larger than Libya and

Asia put together”—with magnificent mountain ranges, green plains that were full of

every variety of animal, and luxuriant gardens where the fruit was “fair and wondrous

and in infinite abundance.” The earth was rich with precious metals, especially the

one prized most highly by the ancients, orichalc, an alloy of copper, perhaps brass.[D]

The second credible possibility for Atlantis is in the Bahamas, in the Biminis. In 1958

some strange structures were noticed on the seabed under the water. Curious

geometric structures— regular polygons, circles, triangles, rectangles, and

completely straight lines—extend over several miles. A giant “wall” several hundred

yards long was found submerged in the waters off the small island of North Bimini.

The wall has two branches, running at right angles, in perfectly straight lines. The

construction, which is precisely perpendicular, is made of massive stone blocks over

16 feet square. Part of the structure even resembles a harbor with a dock for boats.

The geology of the Bahamas shows, however, that the submersion of the plateau had

been caused by the melting of the polar glaciers that raised the level of the world’ s

oceans. This diminishes the possibility that Atlantis was in the Caribbean Sea. There

were no violent eruptions, merely the slowly rising ocean from approximately 8,000

to 7,000 B.C..[E] The capital of Atlantis was beautifully constructed in white, black,

and red stone. The city was carefully planned in five zones built in perfect concentric

circles. Each circular zone was built inside a larger one. Plato says that the capital’s

canals and its nearby port were “full of vessels and merchants coming from all parts,

who kept up din and clatter night and day.” The city was full of life, activity and

culture.[F] The last reasonable possibility to date is that Atlantis was located in the

Aegean, not far from Crete. However, this assumption cannot be proved beyond doubt,

and the disappearance of Atlantis remains a lasting mystery.[G] Thirty-five hundred

years ago, a tremendous explosion blew apart an island and completely destroyed a

civilization called Atlantis. Where was Atlantis? What kind of people lived there?

Why and how was it destroyed? No one knows the answers to these questions, but

there have been hundreds of guesses and theories. Order:G→【C1】______→【C2】


41. 【C1】



功能,讲到希腊哲 学家柏拉图对亚特兰蒂斯传说的描述。

42. 【C2】



府的繁华境况。 可见,本文前三段逻辑层次很清晰:第一段G项提出主题,又

提出了三个问题,为下文做 铺垫,起到承上启下的作用。第二段C项和第三段

E项讲述柏拉图对亚特兰蒂斯的种种 描述。

43. 【C3】



篇结构上看是 转折关系。本段结尾时:“柏拉图最后说,一个衰败的社会应该受

到这样的惩处。但是有两 个问题仍然没有回答:亚特兰蒂斯曾在何处?它到哪里


44. 【C4】



和许多其他人 提出了他们大胆的解释。上下文逻辑关系非常密切。

45. 【C5】



一种符合逻辑 的可能性是,亚特兰蒂斯曾位于爱琴海,离克里特岛不远”。前后

照应。可见,第五、六、七 段以先后顺序回答了第四段末尾提出的两个问题。

从整篇文章看,逻辑层次清晰,连贯性 很强。

Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the

underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)

I was driving with a friend recently and telling him about some projects that

really excited me. I mentioned a new book I’m working on, an article I’m writing and

this new hobby of adventure motorcycling in the desert. He interrupted me and said,

“How do you stay so motivated and so excited about things?” It caught me off

guard. I hadn ‘t really considered the “why” behind my list of activities.【F1】But as I

thought about it, I realized that the one aspect each of these projects had to make me

so motivated—the common thread—was the feeling of being in just a little over my

head. In other words, doing things despite the fact that, as the marketing guru Seth

Godin likes to say, “this might not work.” That may sound a little counterintuitive.

It’ s easy to wonder how doing stuff that makes you uncomfortable, and might not

even work, is a source of motivation. 【F2】I posted on Instagram about constantly

getting in a little over my head, and my friend Dallas Hartwig told me about this

concept called “hormesis”, a phenomenon by which something that could

significantly impair or even kill you in high doses and can make you stronger in low

doses. Or as the National Institutes of Health puts it, “In the fields of biology and

medicine, hormesis is defined as an adaptive response of cells and organisms to a

moderate (usually intermittent) stress.” Of course, I thought. What doesn’t kill

you makes you stronger. It’s not a new concept. 【F3】It’s well documented that the

way to grow muscle is to rip the muscle tissue, and then give it time to re-grow. You

give it stress, then rest, and it comes back on the other side stronger than it was before.

I know that adventures are not for everyone. I know they can feel scary and

intimidating. 【F4】But making a habit of seeking adventures, in spite of how scary

they are, may be the secret to staying motivated about the things you do. And that,

if nothing else, confers a key economic benefit onto anyone who experiences it. 【F5】

Even if we set aside all the tangible benefits that come from stepping outside our

comfort zone, it is intuitively obvious that being more excited about your work is a

surefire way to improve your performance—and turn your various ventures into


46. 【F1】



解析:(1)翻译插入语the common thread时,thread的字面意思为“线;脉

络”,这里采用“意译法”,译为“共同点”。 (2)over sb.’s head译为“超过某


47. 【F2】




解析:(1)hormesis译为“毒物兴奋效应”。 (2)句子原文较长,翻译时可以


48. 【F3】








49. 【F4】



解析:(1)in spite of译为“不管”。 (2)a habit of seeking adventures译为“寻


50. 【F5】







Section III Writing

Part ADirections: Write a composition/letter of no less than 100 words on the

following information. (10 points)

51. Suppose you want to apply for a job as an English teacher in a high school.

Write a letter of about 100 words to its personnel department to make a

self-recommendation and send your resume. You should write neatly on the

ANSWER not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming”

instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

正确答案:Dear Sir or Madam, I have read your advertisement in China

Daily for English teacher, so I am writing this letter to apply for the position. I

believe that I would be well qualified for the job. Firstly, I have graduated from

Beijing Normal University, taking English as my major. And this lets me grasp the

basic knowledge required by the job. Furthermore, I have spent several summers

working as an English teacher in our affiliated school. Through this internship, I have

accumulated some valuable teaching experience. My resume and other

documents are enclosed in this letter. I hope that my application could get your kind

ely yours, Li Ming

Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following

information. (20 points)

52. Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your

essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) interpret its intended meaning,

and3) give your should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20


正确答案: As is illustrated in the picture, more and more college students

have a passion for starting their own business. And universities have became one of

the most important place where students are encouraged and guided to set up their

own business. It is not uncommon for college students to start their own business

prior to or after graduation. Above all, students who start their own business can gain

a better insight into their future career. In addition, no matter whether a college

student succeeds or fails in starting his or her business, the work experience gained

will come in handy when he or she seeks a full-time job after graduation. Employers

will regard these graduates as more hard-working and motivated than those who lack

work experience. Despite the benefits of “getting their feet wet” in the business world,

it is vital that college students should give priority to their studies. Indeed, many

students don’t know how to deal with the real world until they have to. However, for

those with an entrepreneurial spirit, the work experience gained from starting an

undertaking can be beneficial to their future career development.