

I recently read the short story "七月的天山" (The Tianshan in July) and

it left a deep impression on me. 这是一篇讲述人与自然和谐相处的美丽

故事,引人深思. The story is set in the Tianshan Mountains, where a

group of tourists from the city goes on a trek led by a local guide. 这



One aspect of the story that stood out to me is the contrast between

the city-dwellers and the local guide. 城市人对自然的陌生和熟悉让我深

感震撼。The city-dwellers are depicted as being out of touch with

nature, while the local guide, who is intimately familiar with the

mountains, serves as a bridge between the two worlds. 导游在那里生

活、工作,对山林的了解好似与一切和谐共生的奥秘。This contrast made

me reflect on my own relationship with nature and how

disconnected I often feel from the natural world. 在我看来,我应该像


The theme of harmony between humans and nature is a central

theme in the story. 故事中“人”与“自然”的关系是一种微妙的平衡。

The city-dwellers initially approach the mountains with a sense of

entitlement, believing that they can conquer the natural world. 城市


对大自然时反而觉得渺小。However, as they encounter the challenges

and wonders of the mountains, they begin to develop a deeper

respect for the natural world. 他们发现原来大自然比他们想象中更深刻,



The character development in the story is also noteworthy. 故事中人

物的成长和变化是引人注目的。The city-dwellers start off as somewhat

arrogant and dismissive of the natural world, but as they face

challenges and learn from the local guide, they undergo a

transformation. 他们的心态从傲慢自大转变为敬畏与尊重。这种成长让我

深受触动,也让我思考自己在面对自然时是否应该有所改变。The local

guide, on the other hand, serves as a symbol of wisdom and humility,

guiding the city-dwellers to a deeper understanding of the

mountains and their place in the natural world. 导游以其智慧和谦逊,



One of the striking aspects of the story is its vivid descriptions of the

natural environment. 故事中对自然环境的生动描写让我仿佛亲临其境。

The author's vivid language painted a breathtaking picture of the

Tianshan Mountains, from its lush forests to its majestic peaks. 作者的

文字描绘了天山的宏伟壮丽的景象,勾勒出了如画一般的景色。I felt as

though I was journeying alongside the characters, witnessing the

beauty and grandeur of the natural world. 读到这些描述,我仿佛就身


The descriptive prose not only added depth to the story, but also

deepened my own appreciation for the wonders of nature. 这种描写


In conclusion, "七月的天山" is a thought-provoking story that

explores the relationship between humans and nature. 总之,“七月

的天山”是一部发人深省的故事,探讨了人类与自然的关系。Through its

vivid descriptions, insightful character development, and central

theme of harmony, the story encourages readers to reflect on their

own connection with the natural world. 通过其生动的描写,深刻的人物


left me feeling inspired to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the

natural world and to strive for a more harmonious relationship with

the environment. 它使我深受启发,更加珍惜自然界的美好,并努力建立

更和谐的环境关系。 I highly recommend this story to anyone who is

interested in exploring the wonders of nature and the human spirit.
