

My Incredible Trip to Harbin

Last winter break, my family and I went on an amazing trip to

Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast

China. I had been looking forward to this trip for months because

I had heard so many cool things about Harbin's famous ice and

snow sculptures. But the city ended up being even more

incredible than I had imagined!

After a long flight from our home in the south, we finally

arrived in Harbin. As soon as we stepped off the plane, I could

feel the freezing cold air. It was way colder than where I live! I

bundled up in my heavy winter coat, hat, scarf, and gloves as we

made our way to our hotel.

The first afternoon, we walked around the city center. The

architecture was so different from down south, with beautiful

Russian-style buildings everywhere. Harbin used to be an

important city for Russians in the early 1900s, so a lot of the

older buildings had that unique style. I felt like I had traveled to


The next day, we went to the Harbin Ice and Snow World,

which is probably the most famous destination in the city. It's a

huge park filled with the most incredible ice and snow sculptures

I've ever seen. There were life-size ice castles, frozen replicas of

famous buildings from around the world, enormous snow slides

to ride down, and so much more. Everything was intricately

carved out of ice and snow and lit up by colorful lights at night. It

was like something out of a fantasy world!

My favorite sculpture was a towering ice recreation of the

Temple of Heaven in Beijing. The detail and craftsmanship that

went into it was just mind-blowing. As I walked through the icy

halls and gazed up at the domed ceiling, I could hardly believe it

was all made of frozen water. I've never seen anything like it!

We spent an entire day wandering around the enormous Ice

and Snow World, sliding down the hills, and just being amazed

by all the sculptures. In the evening, we went ice skating on one

of the rinks set up in the park. It was a little scary at first since I'm

not a great skater, but I held onto the walls and had a blast

gliding around under the twinkling lights.

On another day, we rode a bus out to the Huacheng Tiger

Park. This huge park is home to over 1,000 Siberian tigers! From

the safety of an enclosed bus, we drove right through the tiger

enclosures and could see the big cats prowling just a few feet

away. Some of them came right up to the bus and let out mighty

roars that shook me to the core. It was both terrifying and

exhilarating to be so close to those powerful predators.

We also visited the Siberian Tiger Park, which had

performances where the tigers did tricks and even ran across a

ring while trainers rode on their backs! As much as I enjoyed

seeing the tigers, I couldn't help but feel a little sad for them

being made to perform like that. I would have preferred just

observing them in their natural habitat.

Another one of the highlights was going dog sledding on a

frozen river just outside the city. We all piled into a sled pulled by

a team of dogs, and they whisked us along the icy trail through a

forest of bare trees covered in fresh snow. That was a total

adrenaline rush!

In between all the winter activities, we also did some fun

indoor stuff around Harbin. One day we went to the Siberian

Tiger Museum, which had exhibits all about tigers and their

history in that region of China. I even got to see some stuffed

tigers up close, which was amazing but also a little creepy.

Another cool indoor place we visited was the Russian Bakery.

This was a huge European-style bakery with the most delicious

pastries like Napoleon cakes, piroshki, and cookies galore. We

sat by the fire sipping hot cocoa and eating way too many sugary


By the end of our weeklong trip, I was exhausted but

absolutely in awe of Harbin. I had never experienced a winter

wonderland quite like it before. The towering ice castles,

sledding through snowy forests, getting up close with real

Siberian tigers – it was all straight out of a storybook. Harbin is

now one of my favorite places I've ever traveled to. I already can't

wait to go back someday and see that magical city of ice and

snow again!