



Wow, you want me to write a long essay in English? That's

pretty hard for a kid like me! But I'll try my best.

When I started university last year, I met this really cool guy

named Michael. He's from Australia and he's studying to be a

marine biologist. At first, I thought he was just a regular student,

but then I found out he's already 27 years old! That's like super

old for a university student.

Michael has had the most amazing adventures travelling all

around the world studying ocean life. One time, he was

swimming with whale sharks - which are the biggest fish in the

whole ocean! Can you imagine how scary that must have been?

Another time, he got stuck on a tiny island for three days after

his boat engine broke down. He had to catch fish with his bare

hands and sleep on the beach! How crazy is that?

But the coolest thing about Michael is that he's not just book

smart, he's street smart too. Like one night, we were walking

back to the dorms after studying late at the library. Suddenly,

this sketchy guy jumped out and tried to mug us! Michael didn't

even flinch. He just looked the mugger straight in the eye and

said "Sorry mate, you don't want to do this." In this really calm

Aussie accent. The mugger looked so confused that he just

turned around and left! Michael saved us without even having to

fight. He's like a real-life superhero.

Michael taught me that you're never too old to go on

adventures and learn new things. He'd already done so much

cool stuff in his life, but he still wanted to become a marine

biologist and study the oceans. That's true passion right there.

Whenever I feel scared to try something new, I just think about

how fearless Michael is and it inspires me to be brave too.

I'm really lucky I got to meet someone as amazing as

Michael when I started university. He showed me that university

isn't just about books and studying - it's about having

mind-blowing experiences that'll change your life. Because of

him, I know these next few years are going to be the beginning

of the grandest adventure. I can't wait to see what incredible

things are in store!


When I First Went to Big Kid School