
mybatis insert into select用法

MyBatis Insert Into Select Usage

MyBatis, a popular Java persistence framework, provides a convenient way to

perform bulk data insertion using the `INSERT INTO SELECT` statement. This feature

allows us to insert data into a table by selecting data from another table or result set. Let's

explore the usage of MyBatis `INSERT INTO SELECT` in this article.

To use `INSERT INTO SELECT` with MyBatis, we need to define a mapper XML

file or use annotations to map the SQL statements. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Define the SQL statement in the mapper XML file or using annotations:


INSERT INTO target_table (column1, column2, column3)

SELECT column1, column2, column3

FROM source_table

WHERE condition = #{condition}


In this example, we assume there are three columns (column1, column2, column3) in

both the source and target tables. Adjust the column names according to your specific


2. Create a method in the mapper interface and link it to the SQL statement in the

XML file or using annotations:


void insertDataFromAnotherTable(@Param("condition") String condition);


The `@Param` annotation is used to bind the parameter `condition` with the SQL


3. Call the method in your Java code:


String condition = "some condition";



Replace `"some condition"` with the actual condition you want to use for filtering the

data in the source table.

By following these steps, MyBatis will generate the necessary SQL statements and

execute the `INSERT INTO SELECT` operation.

It is important to note that the source table and target table must have compatible

column types and the number of columns in the source and target table must match. If not,

you may encounter errors during the execution.

In conclusion, MyBatis provides a simple and effective way to perform bulk data

insertion using the `INSERT INTO SELECT` syntax. By defining the SQL statement in

the mapper XML file or using annotations, mapping it to the mapper interface, and

calling the method from your Java code, you can easily utilize this feature.