
2010 Career Discovery Camp


Organized and Sponsored


DuPont Delta Unimicron

台灣杜邦 台達電子 欣興電子


 Introduction .………………......p. 1

 Agenda…………………….......p. 3

Application Form…..….…..…..p. 4&5

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“Unleash Your Potential”

2010 Career Discovery Camp

Do you want to know how to be successful in a corporate

environment? Come and join us to learn and explore.

Time: May 20-22, 2010

Place: 立德溪頭飯店

(南投縣鹿谷鄉森林巷10號 / 049-261-2588)

You are cordially invited to apply for this 3-day/2-night, exciting and thought-

provoking event. It’s designed specifically for Master and PhD students to gain a

broad perspective of industrial careers and provide avenues to:

Develop a deeper understanding of the realities and challenges at workplace.

Learn how to prepare for a smooth transition from school to industry and have

a successful professional career.

Interact with representatives at all levels within DuPont, Delta and Unimicron

to appreciate the operation of global companies.

Meet and learn from distinguished business and technology leaders.

Engage in brainstorming to solve real problems and conceive new ideas.

Enhance skills in communication, presentation, leadership, teamwork, etc.

Network with people of diverse backgrounds.

Have Fun!

2010 Career Discovery Camp Candidate


Is currently enrolled as a Master or PhD student with science and engineering

related training/background in Taiwan.

Has the curiosity and desire to learn.

Is willing to actively participate in and contribute to discussions and workshops.


 Complete the attached application (pages 4 and 5) in English, except the

areas specified otherwise.

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