



The Library Is My Happy Place!

The library is one of my favorite places to go. I just love the

smell of all those books! There are so many adventures waiting

to be discovered between the covers. The library feels like a

magical kingdom of knowledge and stories.

Of course, the library is also a place of rules. These rules

might seem strict, but they are actually in place to keep the

library running smoothly so everyone can enjoy it. Following the

library rules shows respect for the books, other visitors, and the

library staff. Here are the main rules I always follow when visiting

my beloved library:

Rule #1 - Use Indoor Voices

The library is for quiet reading, studying, and contemplation.

It's not a place to run around loudly or shout with your friends.

We have to use our indoor voices so we don't disturb others. If I

need to talk, I make sure to whisper quietly. And if I can't control

my volume, I take my conversation out to the hallway. Keeping

quiet allows everyone to concentrate.

Rule #2 - No Food or Drink (Except Water)

You can't bring snacks, sodas, or any other food or drinks

into the library, besides water in a closed bottle or container.

That's because food and sticky drink spills can damage the books,

carpet, and furniture. Yucky stains and crumbs could attract bugs

and pests too! I always make sure to finish my snacks before

entering, and only bring my water bottle.

Rule #3 - Handle Books Gently

Books are treasured possessions at the library. They must be

treated like precious objects, not thrown around or roughhoused

with. I am extremely careful when taking books off the shelves,

making sure to grab them gently without pulling too hard.

Ripping pages, bending covers, or writing in the books is a big

no-no. I always use a bookmark rather than dog-earing the

corners. And when I'm done, I put books back on the cart for

re-shelving instead of trying to reshelve them myself.

Rule #4 - Check Out Before Leaving

I can take books home from the library, but I have to check

them out at the front desk first. It's basically borrowing - I get to