



hot news


1. I like reading hot news. 我喜欢读热点 新闻 .

2. Focus on hot news and trends of global environmental

protection. 关注国内外环保领域的热点 新闻 和趋势,以树立环保意识


3. For some hot news, mobile phone TV in the basic 20 - 30

minute video post -production - related. 对于一些热点 新闻 , 手机

电视基本能在 20-30分钟 后制作相关视频.

4. International news and hot news China , Hong and

Australia Also , weatherand financial reports are included. 网罗本

,中港台及国际热点 新闻 , 提供最新的天气,财经,澳币汇率及黄金市场


5. Excavations of the significance and inherence of hot sport

news andpersonae. 通过对国际体育热点 人物和事件的报道和分析,

挖掘新闻 背后具启发性的内蕴及意义.

6. By the end of the month, Bosnia was back in the news.

, 波斯尼亚又成为新闻 热点 .

7. Hot plate caused the above - mentioned direct fuse is the

news media. 引发上述热点 板块的直接导火索都是媒体的新闻 报道.

8. Contaminated Chinese food products imported to the U.S.

have been in thenews lately. 最近,有关中国出口美国的某些食品据查

受到污染的新闻 成了人们谈论的一个热点 话题.

9. Land rent housing system to prevent short - term political

behavior is the nextDr. premium? 首页>>房产资讯>>新闻 热点 >>

土地年租制可防 短期 行为房贷新政下一招是地价?

10. Housing Tan authentic records: how to change the fate of

fung shui housecan letter? 当前位置:首页>>房产资讯>>新闻

>>房谈实录: 房子如何改变命运风水能不能信?

11. The poor also have the right to enjoy the seaview lots on

the constructionGaodangfang scarce? 首页>>房产资讯>>新闻


12. The first double deck financed trust estate financing

products this weekpublished new way? 首页>>房产资讯>>新闻


13. Some World Trade Center towers fell on the ground there

are super high -rise future? 首页>>房产资讯>>新闻 热点 >>世贸

中心双塔轰然倒地超级高楼还有前途 ?

14. Housing focus on notice: the rapid rise of potential youth

Lu plate geometric? 当前位置:首页>>房产资讯>>新闻 热点 >>

点房谈预告: 青年路板块迅速崛起潜力几何?

15. Real estate investment has begun to emerge from new

round of inflationdown? 首页>>房产资讯>>新闻 热点 >>房价开始


16. Trading was highlighted by corporate news some widely

- held names,economic data and the FOMC policy

announcement. 市场关注热点 主要是来自大公司的新闻 经济数据


17. Housing Tan: When the owners of the property company

bosses a sparkcan a prairie fire? 当前位置:首页>>房产资讯>>新闻

热点 >>房谈: 业主当物业公司老板星星之火能否燎原?

18. The topic of celebrities false advertisement has been

popular in the mediacircle in recent years. 关于名人做广告的话题,

近些年来一直是新闻 传播界讨论的热点 .

19. Levy business taxes in full within five years of second -

hand housing supplyinto frozen period? 首页>>房产资讯>>新闻

热点 >>五年内转手全额征营业税二手房供给陷冰冻期?