



My Big Brother in College

My big brother Tommy is in college now and I think he's the

coolest! He's 19 years old and goes to a really big school called

State University. It's so far away that we can only visit him on

holidays and breaks from school. But when he comes home, he

always has the best stories to tell!

College is a lot different from elementary school. First of all,

Tommy doesn't have a teacher like Mrs. Johnson who makes him

raise his hand to go to the bathroom. He has different teachers

called "professors" for each subject like math, English, science

and more. And instead of having one classroom all day, he has to

go to different rooms for each class. Crazy, right?

He also doesn't have a lunchbox or eat in a cafeteria. There

are all kinds of restaurants and food courts on campus where he

can get whatever he wants to eat. Sometimes he even orders

pizza delivered right to his dorm room! A dorm is kind of like a

tiny apartment where college kids live. Tommy shares a room

with another guy named Ryan. I got to see his dorm once and it

was pretty messy with clothes and books all over the place.

Definitely not as clean as my room at home!

One of the best things about college is that you don't have

as many rules as elementary school. You can stay up as late as

you want, come and go whenever, and don't have a bedtime.

Mom and Dad don't really like when Tommy stays up too late

though. They say he needs to get enough sleep to do well in his

classes. Speaking of classes, Tommy's schedule is super weird

compared to mine. Some days he only has one or two classes,

but other days he's there from morning until night. And his

classes aren't all at the same time either -- they have big gaps in

between where he can eat, study, or hang out with friends. How


Even though college seems really different, Tommy still has

to do homework and take tests just like I do. But instead of

things like spelling words and math worksheets, he has to write

huge papers and study for midterms and finals. His finals are

cumulative tests on EVERYTHING he learned all semester long.

Can you imagine how hard that must be? I wouldn't want to have

to memorize and know that much information all at once. No

wonder Tommy looks so stressed around finals week!