


1. Uncle Johnson, who used to be a great explorer, is telling us about his experiences

in the Amazon Jungles.

2. Winter is coming, the temperature fell to point yesterday.

3. In summer, you can see stars in the sky at night.

4. Here, kids, come and see so many in the field.

5. Little Tommy behaved so that all the people were embarrassed.

6. In some countries, citizens are given more rights on politics.

7. The man she was looking forward to in the crowed

8. We called at the and were warmly welcomed.

9. The 2014 FIFA World Cup was held in Brazil, and people enjoyed the culture besides


Ma has made his fortunes from Internet .


1,unbelievable 2. Freezing 3. Uncountable 4. Oxen 5. Impolitely 6. Western 7 disappeared 8.

Scientist’s 9. Brazilian 10.



1. I noticed him ______(slide) into the room through the back door.

2. The museum had several painting ______(represent) the artist’s early style.

3. The police ____(react) to the emergency were praised by the people.

4. Food ______(preserve) in the refrigerator won’t go bad easily.

5. Diligence (勤劳)is the path _____(lead) to happiness.

6. Many goods _____ (export) to Europe are now produced overseas.

7. ____(expand) his business is his next plan.

8. The pizza ______(deliver) this morning will reach you this afternoon.

9. Many young people joined the army ____ (defend) the country.

10. Great care should be taken to avoid ______(confuse) the two types of projects.

答案: 1. slide 2. representing ng 4. preserved 5. leading 6. exported

7. Expanding 8. delivered 10. confusing

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Moderation in all things --- that’s the key to health.

Yet trying to be m___1___ about sugar is nearly impossible

when food makers stuff it into everything from oatmeal to

spaghetti sauce--- check out these surprising sources of

sugar. Now, you’ve got more m___2___ than ever to track

down all the sneaky sugar foods in your diet: According to

new research conducted at the University of Surrey and

published in the journal Clinical Science, your sugar intake can fatten up your liver and

dramatically raise your r___3___ of heart disease---here are the signs you’re eating too much sugar.

In the study, researchers observed two groups of men for 12 weeks--- one with high levels of

liver fat, and the other with low. The men followed either a high-sugar or low-sugar diet so the

researchers could d___4___ the impact of sugar on the liver. A fatty liver can not only lead to liver

disease, but it can alter fat metabolism in the body, raising the risk of damage to the heart and

overall cardiovascular system.

Sure enough, men with fatty livers began to metabolize fat in ways that upped their risk of

heart attacks and strokes. Even worse, the high-sugar diet triggered s___5___ dangerous fat

metabolism in men with normal levels of liver fat---their risk of heart disease jumped as high as if

they already had fatty, damaged livers. In other words, the results indicate that eating high amounts

of sugar alone raises your risk of cardiovascular disease---no matter how healthy your body might


If you want to root out the sugar in your diet, the simplest way is to a___6___ pre-made,

processed food. Whip up your own meals with whole ingredients and your sugar intake will drop

dramatically overnight. When you do shop, make sure you know all the pseudonyms for sugar.

Lactose, brown rice syrup, molasses, and dextrose, are just some of its many forms. Another

important s___7___ is to identify the biggest culprits, like sauces, salad dressings, breads, flavored

coffees, and granola bars.


1. moderate 前面一句表示的是说适度是健康的关键,后面即表示加糖要适度,这里的moderate是形容


2. motivation 前面说了控糖的重要性,后面说要注意糖的量,即表示有这样的动力,动机去做

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3. risk 这边着重强调的是糖的危害,所以应该表示患心脏病的风险增加

ine 前面说的是科学家做实验,即是为了测定糖对肝脏的影响,determine可以表示测定

5. similarly 前面讲的是糖的影响,后面强调脂肪的坏处,这里用副词修饰形容词,即表示同样危险


7 step 后面讲的是具体的举措,这里的step表示另一个重要的一步


1, moderation n.适度,节制,温和,缓和

2,stuff v.塞满,填满

3,track down 追捕,查出


sneaky adj.


5,fatten v. 养肥,靠...吃饭

v.改变,变化lism n.向内地

vascular adj.心血管的


nym n.笔名,假名


Even worse, the high-sugar diet triggered similarly dangerous fat metabolism in men with

normal levels of liver fat---their risk of heart disease jumped as high as if they already had fatty,

damaged livers.解析:更糟糕的是,高糖饮食触发了人体同样危险的脂肪新陈代谢问题,







Scientists Make Sweet Discovery

Good news for chocoholics: the treat

preferred by millions all over the world is good

for you, according to American researchers at

the University of California. Chocolate contains

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substances called flavonoids that can help m___1___ a healthy heart and good circulation(循环).

The researchers have discovered that cocoa acts l___2___ aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate

once in a while may c___3___ to a healthy diet. Chocolate has also been shown to release

endorphins in the body: these chemicals help to reduce p___4___ and stress and make you feel

happy. But who first discovered this wonderful way of keeping healthy? The Olmec Indians of

Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about 1500 BC, and the Mayas

were drinking unsweetened coca hundreds of years before it became f___5___ in Europe. The word

chocolate comes from the Nahuati word xocolati, which means “bitter water”. In 1544, a delegation

of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocoa as a g___6___. Cocoa soon

became fashionable in Spain and Portugal. The Spanish were the first to a___7___ sugar to their

cocoa drink. In the 17th century, chocolate was becoming fashionable with the middle-classes, not

only as a drink but also as a(n) medicine. By the middle of the century, solid chocolate was

becoming f___8___. In 1753, a Swedish scientist renamed cocoa Theobroma or “food for the gods”.

In 1765, James Baker and John Hanan opened the first chocolate mill in the United States,

introducing chocolate to the average citizen. In 1896, in Switzerland, Daniel Peter had the idea of

adding milk in the chocolate-making process and produced the first milk chocolate. Since then,

chocolate has grown enormously in popularity. One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations is

Britain where the a___9___ man, women, and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year. In fact,

chocolate is the number one comfort food and there are more “chocoholics” in Britain than any

where else in the world. Researchers warn that although chocolate is good for you, it s___10___ be

eaten in small quantities--and with no added milk.


4. maintain 这里说的是巧克力中的某种物质可以帮助保持一个健康的心脏

5. like 这里说的是可可像阿司匹林一样,act like像......一样运作

6. contribute 前面说的是巧克力的好处,所以这边应该说的是吃巧克力能够导致一个好的饮食,

contribute to可以强调结果


5. fashionable 这边说的是巧克力的历史,后面应该强调巧克力开始变流行


7 add 这里说的是往可可当中加糖,add A to B往B当中加A

8. familiar 这里说的是固体巧克力开始变得为人们所熟悉

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9. average 这里说的是宏观角度,强调大体水平,即表示每个人平均吃多少

10. should 这里表示科学家的建议,即用应该怎么吃


1, substance n.物质

6,unsweetened adj.未加糖的,不甜的

7, bitter. adj.苦的

8,delegation n.


5. mill n. 工厂


The Olmec Indians of Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about

1500 BC, and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened coca hundreds of years before it became

familiar in Europe.






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