

钢板预处理steel plate pretreatment 下料cutting 焊接welding 机加工machining 镗铣

boring-milling 镗boring 立车vertical turning 卷板rolling 钻drilling 热处理heat treatment喷锌

spray zinc 冲砂sandblasting 涂装painting 防锈antirust 包装packing 发运shipment 定子

stator 转子rotor


1 磨床 grinder 2 铣床 miller 3 刨床 planer 4 车床 lathe5 立车

vertical lathe 6 数控车床 numerically controlled lathe 7 数控中心 centre

numerically controlled lathe 8 冲床 punching machine 9 牛头刨床 shaper 10 龙门刨床

double housing planer 11 钻床 driling machine 12 镗床 boring machine 13 油压机

hydraulic machine press 14 卷板机 rolling machine 15 空气压缩机 air compressor 16

除锈机 derusting machine 17 喷砂 sand blasting 18 烘干机 dryer machine 19 电焊

机 welder 20火焰切割torch-flame cut 21 叉车 forklift

攻丝thread tapping 铰孔ream 镗孔boring hole 铲削relieve 涂孔加工deep hole

working 镗boring 磨grind 刨plane 锉mill 车lathe 冲压stamping 刮削scrape

锉毛刺to file burr 刮伤scratch 擦油to apply oil 压痕dents 倒角chamfer 刀具cutter

退刀槽tool withdrawal groove 沟槽gouge 定位块stock locater block 定位销stop pin

顺时针clock wise 逆时针 anticlock wise 凹concave 凸convex 系数factor 参数

parameter 组装assembly 能力capability 座标coordinate

退火annealing 回火tempering 淬火hardening 表面淬火flame case hardening 局部淬火local

hardening正火normalizing 热处理炉heat treatment furmace 时效ageing 发蓝处理blueing

渗碳carburizing 冷处理cold treatment 气泡blinster 应力释放stress relief

标准件standard parts 轴承bearing 轴承间隙bearing clearance 球轴承ball bearing 轴承盖

bearing cup 轴承座bearing block 轴承宽度bearing width 轴承内径bearning bore diameter 轴

承外径bearing outside diameter 轴承寿命bearing life 弹簧垫圈spring washer 止动垫圈

tab washer 平垫圈plain washer 螺钉screw 锉刀file 螺丝刀screw driver 螺旋千斤顶screw

jack 细牙螺纹fine threads 粗牙螺纹coarse thread 台虎钳vice 螺母nut 六角螺母hexagon

nut 锁紧螺母check nut 方螺母square nut 螺栓bolt 六角螺栓hexagon bolt 扳手wrench 压

板pressure plate 滑块slider block

轴向axial direction 表面粗糙度surface roughness 比例尺scale 变形deformation 版本号

revision料号part number 安全系数safety factor 模数module 参数parameter 载荷load

布置图layout 中心距center distance 偏心距offest distance 半径radius 直径diameter 疲劳强度

fatigue strength 疲劳极限fatigue limit 耐磨性wear resistance 磨擦系数coefficient of friction 密

封seal 磨损abrasion wear 角度偏差augular offset

联轴器coupling 轴shaft 轴承间隙bearing clearance 传动轴transmission shaft 输出轴

output shaft 曲轴crank shaft 轴肩shalf shouder 轴环shaft collar 齿轮gear 制动器brake

毡圈密封felt ring seal 油杯oil bottle 油壶oil can 橡皮泥plasticine 蜗杆worm 蜗轮worm

gear 黄油枪grease gun 铆钉rivet 密封带seal belt 密封胶seal gum 花键spline 普通平键

parallet key 斜键、钩头楔键taper key

压力pressure 应力集中stress amplitude 液压传动hydraulic mechanism 泄漏leakage 扭矩

moment of torque 润滑lubrication 润滑剂lubricant 打滑slipping 汽油gasoline 柴油diesel

engine 机油engine oil 黄油grease 齿轮油gear oil 压缩机油compressor oil

发动机油engine oil

锻造forge 铸铁cast iron 球墨铸铁nodular cast iron 灰铸铁grey cast iron 铜brass 铝

aluminum 金属metal 橡胶rubber 石棉asbestos 钢化玻璃toughened glass